Announcement: Partnership With Sekai Project!!!!

Sekai Project Partnership

Kyaaa a a a!!! *hysterical*

When I heard that Sekai Project sent an email saying that they are interested in our Just Deserts project, I was shocked… It just.. It was unbelievable. Actually I still can’t believe it. Because in my opinion, Sekai Project has that popular visual novel aura. So shiny〈(゜。゜)

Our team and our project are still new, like a new-born baby. Even the project are not born yet.. I was shocked, excited, but scared at the same time. I wonder if Rudy, our CEO had a butterfly feel in his belly. Huooo must be hard.. but excited.. but hard… but excited.. but.. yeah.. ( ゜□ ゜;)

That is not an easy decision making.

But finally, we decided to have a partnership agreement with Sekai Project.


But a-a, we’re not relieved yet. Because there are some things to be cleared. And those are..

1. Cancel Kickstarter.

Saying goodbye with this plan is not easy. It’s not about the money. It’s about you guys that have been supporting us. We are afraid that we will let your down, we don’t want that. But however we must cancel Kickstarter, because we have more than enough funding from Sekai Project. So we did it anyway.. *hiks*

But what about the rewards???

We planned to  keep making the rewards and sell it for you! Yeaaaay!!! So you can still support us. Yeaaay!!!

For me, I was kind of sad that my art works for Kickstarter become unused.. *hiks hiks* sad *hiks hiks*. Okay back to reality and moving on!! Fight!! (ง ゚Д゚)ง !!

2. Announce it to everybody.

This was really really hard to do. Rudy cried and cried, rolled and rolled on the bed back then (exaggerated point of view). I didn’t know why he was doing that. Turned out, he was nervous to announce. He said, just like when he want to ask a date to a girl. Ahahaha. But I get it. Because it’s really hard to announce news like that. We don’t want to disappoint you.

And finally.. he did that. If you follow our Just Deserts facebook fan page, most likely you already knew about this announcement.

So yeah..

We hope you understand our choice (⌒▽⌒)☆.

Moving on again~~~

Now that we have partnership with Sekai Project for Just Deserts, they said that they want to promote Just Deserts  in anime convention in Seattle and Boston, on March 25-27th. I think those are Sakura Con and Anime Boston. If you’re there, maybe you would like to pay a visit to their stand ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

I hope this partnership will do good for all of us, Vifth Floor, Sekai Project, and of course You! As a starter, I hope Just Deserts will be a great game and motivate us more to improve and make more game with greater and greater quality for You! I hope! Let’s make a wish. (︶▽︶)

I hope you have an incredible day!

Bye for now!

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

About Bonita